Frasi di Jon Voight


Sforzatevi di mantenere viva nel vostro petto quella piccola scintilla di fuoco celeste chiamata coscienza.


Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience.


The people who voted for President Obama are just beginning to wake up to exactly what they brought in. The 'change' they envisioned is not the 'change' they have gotten.


Something happens when your subconscious goes to work... That's why 'Sleep on it' is an adage.


If I do a scene with an actor who doesn't have much experience, I say, 'I tell you what we're going to do: You just listen to me and then you respond. We don't have to do any acting.' And that's good advice because you shouldn't see the acting.


Sometimes a little heartbreak is a lesson and the best thing to do is just learn the lesson.

Biografia di Jon Voight