Frasi di Marilyn Manson


If they think that an artist can destroy their faith, then their faith is rather fragile.


If you act like a rock star, you will be treated like one.


Keep everyone afraid and they'll consume.


The President was shooting bombs overseas. Yet, I'm a bad guy because I sing some rock-and-roll songs? Who's a bigger influence, the President or Marilyn Manson? I'd like to think me, but I'm going to go with the President.


When I was growing up, music was the only escape. If you put on a record, it's not gonna yell at you about the way you dress, it's gonna make you feel better about it.


La vita non va capita, va goduta.


If someone listens to our music, and it makes them creative, that makes me happier than anything.


Find out what's really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference.

Biografia di Marilyn Manson