Frasi di David Cronenberg


Tutti siamo scienziati pazzi, e la vita è il nostro laboratorio. Tutti stiamo sperimentando per trovare un modo di vivere, per risolvere problemi, per convivere con pazzia e caos.


The desire to be loved is really death when it comes to art.


We think identity is genetically given, but I believe there is creative will involved with the decision of who we are going to be.


So not only can you not imagine dying, you can't really imagine existence before you were born.


Censors tend to do what only psychotics do: they confuse reality with illusion.


When I am creating art, I have absolutely no social responsibility. It's like dreaming.


You're seeing me develop, not only as a filmmaker if you've seen my earlier films, but you're seeing me kind of learn how to be a human, how my philosophy has evolved.

Biografia di David Cronenberg