Frasi di Ray Bradbury


Devi iniettarti ogni giorno un po' di fantasia per non morire di realtà.


Salta! E mentre cadi lascia che spuntino le ali.


If we try to deny the darkness in our souls then we'll become completely dark.


Anything you dream is fiction, and anything you accomplish is science. The whole history of mankind is nothing but science fiction.


Reality and fiction are different in that fiction has to make sense.


Treasure this day and treasure yourself, truly, neither will ever happen again.


Sunsets are loved because they vanish. Flowers are loved because they go. The dogs of the field and the cats of the kitchen are loved because soon they must depart. These are not the sole reasons, but at the heart of morning welcomes and afternoon laughters is the promise of farewell. In the gray muzzle of an old dog we see goodbye. In the tired face of an old friend we read long journeys beyond returns.

Biografia di Ray Bradbury