È negli occhi che abbiamo incontrato l'altro ed è lí che ancora lo troviamo.
To be stupid and selfish and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness.
In life, every ending is just the start of another story.
What is taken away is greater than the sum of what was there. This may not be mathematically possible; but it is emotionally possible.
Love may not lead where we think or hope, but regardless of outcome it should be a call to seriousness and truth. If it is not that, if it is not moral in its effect, then love is no more than an exaggerated form of pleasure.
You put together two people who have not been put together before and sometimes the world is changed, sometimes not. They may crash and burn or burn and crash. But, sometimes, something new is made and then the world is changed. Together, in that first exaltation, that first roaring sense of uplift, they are greater than their two separate selves. Together, they see further and they see more clearly.
This is what those who haven't crossed the tropic of grief often fail to understand: the fact that someone is dead may mean that they are not alive, but doesn't mean that they do not exist.